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Abuse Report

Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:10 pm

Dear all,
The reason I want to report in this topic is because I wanna report that Brixx has been abusing his powers and insulting others. :(
Hes mean to about every staff including Xzeart,AimWicked and me.
He also kept getting in other player's business.
He also tried to claim away my faction base,but luckily I stopped him before he could.
I hope you all will agree with me in this post,because I'm feeling bad with him running the server.

Re: Abuse Report

Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:15 pm

I have personally never seen Brixx abuse in front of me probably because he thinks I will do something about it, however I have heard from multiple trusted sources that he has been abusing.
Also I have witnessed him disrespecting and insulting other players and staff including me.
Below are are just some of the screenshots I took when he was raging and cursing.

Re: Abuse Report

Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:35 am

Well i guess thats good enough, I am going to investigate this further but till then he is demoted to helper.

Re: Abuse Report

Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:21 am

Ok, investigstion done,
He will be temperarly demoted to moderator, brixx so long as you don't abuse those powers and dont disrespect the members and staff you will get your owner rank back Friday.

Re: Abuse Report

Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:33 am

He has been repromoted if i see any more of staff gang ups, that gang will all be demoted! THATS BULLSHIT!
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