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Owner Application

Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:26 pm

Username:Haoiscoll,Remember its coll,not cool! :P
Have you ever been staff?:Yes I have.I've been a Developer on 3 servers,Admin on 2 servers,Owner on a server,Co-Owner on 2 servers,but sadly they all closed down except this server.KaizerCraft.
What was the rank if you have?:I am currently Co-Owner on KaizerCraft.Its really fun!
Are you willing to donate to our server?:I would if I get my paypal
If so how much?:About $10 (If I get my paypal)
Have you ever been banned?:Nope,because I'm a really good staff.
If so why?:
And how many times?:
How can you contribute to kaizercraft/unitedalycraft?:I've done a lot for the server.I've built the hub,the stafflist,fixed the skyblock,helped catch hackers and scammers,and even helped the owners sometimes! The Rank I want to apply for is Owner,because if I had Owner I could do Even more things for the server!I can play for a long time everyday.
My Skype: haoiscoll,with a flower picture .
Hope my application gets accepted because I really would like to have the rank Owner!
Thanks! Sincerely,Haoiscoll.

Re: Owner Application

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:20 pm

again, post this is staff APPLICATIONS! gosh!

Re: Owner Application

Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:30 pm

Is this seriously a fucking thing?

An OWNER Application. And I thought Alycat giving staff to literally everyone who applied was awful. This is taking bullshit to the next level. Applying to become an owner should not be possible.

Re: Owner Application

Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:57 am

Halo, shall I take your owner away too? No just because you may not care what happenes after your gone or leave dont mean i dont want uac to go on! Owner rank is available but is one thats to be earned FOUNDER is a unearnable rank, it will be giving to the one i chose to run uac when i leave! I dont see that any time soon!
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