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Regestration App By Gorman :P

Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:37 am

Registration App
how do you benefit/ contribute to us:I will help build
what are your interests:Playing football and games
how you found us:A friend
have you been banned:I Have never been banned
what for:
have you ever been a staff on servers:Yes
what rank NOTE (IP to the server (pm that info to the administrators).
wait for a moderator to come and check it out once approved you'll be promoted to registered aka member

Re: Regestration App By Gorman :P

Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:39 am

Well I agree But Wait for Alycat

This is just a rank for entering member in Kaizercraft ;D

Re: Regestration App By Gorman :P

Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:43 am

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