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2 major announcments

Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:30 am
Forum: News & Announcements
Topic: 2 major announcments
0 70
Uac is fully merged with cu, please register there, also the newest gaming company has been born, everyone give a round of applause for Dextralaxy!!!!!

Re: Owner Application

Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:57 am
Forum: News & Announcements
Topic: Owner Application
3 333
Halo, shall I take your owner away too? No just because you may not care what happenes after your gone or leave dont mean i dont want uac to go on! Owner rank is available but is one thats to be earned FOUNDER is a unearnable rank, it will be giving to the one i chose to run uac when i leave! I dont...

Re: Strict Orders and Better Security of Minecraft World

Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:27 am
Forum: Ideas & Suggestions
Topic: Strict Orders and Better Security of Minecraft World
6 488
I dont always jsut give them, its just we are goin i have to work together and get along, WHY DO I EVEN HACE TO say that anyway!!!! <--- shouldn't.

Re: staff application format

Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:59 am
Global announcement: staff application format
10 567
.... *facepalm* guys please goto bored index, then goto staff applications create a new topic, using the formate i have you, copy and paste it fill it out, wait patiently and we will check your topic BE SURE you include the whole app questions and fill em out, and make sure its in the right Place, T...

Re: Abuse Report

Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:33 am
Forum: Reports
Topic: Abuse Report
4 324
He has been repromoted if i see any more of staff gang ups, that gang will all be demoted! THATS BULLSHIT!

Re: Abuse Report

Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:21 am
Forum: Reports
Topic: Abuse Report
4 324
Ok, investigstion done,
He will be temperarly demoted to moderator, brixx so long as you don't abuse those powers and dont disrespect the members and staff you will get your owner rank back Friday.

Re: Abuse Report

Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:35 am
Forum: Reports
Topic: Abuse Report
4 324
Well i guess thats good enough, I am going to investigate this further but till then he is demoted to helper.

Re: Owner Application

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:20 pm
Forum: News & Announcements
Topic: Owner Application
3 333
again, post this is staff APPLICATIONS! gosh!

Re: staff application format

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:19 pm
Global announcement: staff application format
10 567
Username:TheYoung_Pvp Have you ever been staff?:Ya What was the rank if you have:H-mod,h-admin Are u willing to donate to our server?:I think can,i will do my best No How can you contribute to kaizercraft/unitedalycraft?:I will on while holiday,while school i just can on once a week,i know how to u...

staff application format

Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:23 am
Global announcement: staff application format
10 567
Staff application username?: Have you ever been staff?: What was the rank if you have?: Are you willing to donate to our server?: If so how much?: Have you ever been banned?: If so why?: And how many times?: How can you contribute to kaizercraft/unitedalycraft?: Have you registered to our site http:...